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Showing posts from January, 2015

Fix Audio Bar Humanatic

Hell yah admins! what the Fudge are you doing? do you think its a good idea to idea to replace the legendary audio bar of yours to a useless cute little tinny winne now? come one! stop screwing your reviewers moment. just focus on removing those cheaters and bad reviewers of yours who earn more than the good reviewers! and the one who suffer more is those who review calls using smartphones! the audio is no longer working there! fix it as soon as possible.


i wonder why mediator/auditors are also in the TOP 15 earners. well its not a fair fight! no matter how hard you work. if you are dealing with some mediators and auditors you will never win! yeah you will not because some of the mediators/auditor earns up to $500 in a few days while their reviewers because of the low rates and poor quality system their reviewers can only earn $20 on overtime work. its not fair. really. i have a proof that auditors/mediators earn that much. but i will not post who is he/she because they work hard to earn it.


Have you ever wondered why you always gets penalized in all handled by categories? well i finally found the problem on this one! i didn't even noticed it at first until i tried to record every progress on reviewing on this category. well all i can say is EVERY ONE IS SCREWED UP! YES! because no matter how effort you put in reviewing calls in all HANDLED BY CATEGORIES! well my experiment shows that EVEN IF YOU CHOOSE THE RIGHT NAME! when you got AUDITED the name you choose just CHANGED to AGENT DOESN'T SAY NAME or NOT ON THE LIST! i noticed it now when i got my audited calls this morning! and the name i choose even if its so cleat that i am very sure that i got the right answer. well it just changed!