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Showing posts from September, 2014

Detailed Earnings Reveals Humanatic Secret!

The Detailed Earnings is REALLY USELESS BEFORE but for some reason i just had an experiment and shows up something interesting! I think WE SHOULD PROTEST ABOUT THIS  And they should give us what they took from us!

Always gets penalized HUMANATIC

Working with humanatic is good, but working with other reviewers who cheat the system is not acceptable. Peer reviewing is the main problem,  the advantage of having a peer review system is the call will be tripled but the disadvantage is worst! because once you answer the call, the call will be back on that category so if the reviewer2 is listening to the call and mark the call incorrect it will be back again, and if reviewer3 has the same answer as reviewer2 you will get penalized. and the second problem is the penalty is not 2X the rate of that call as they say, it was actually 3X so for example you are reviewing a call with a rate of ¢2 your account will credited ¢2

Humanatic + Smartphone

Yes! humanatic is working on Smartphones specially Android Operating System + Puffin Browser But you have to setup 1 thing on Puffin Browser in order to load the call as easy as you reviewing calls on your PC Just go to Settings and Uncheck the Request Desktop Site and you're good to go you can now navigate to any seconds of an active call this will help you review faster because you can skip the holding time or bridge connection of an active call

Basic Categories

if you are new to humanatic its normal to have atleast 3 categories Invetory Discussion+ Live Conversation Inbound Live Conversation Outbound once you have reviewed atleast 100 calls on each categories, and maintained atleast 95 - 100% accuracy, you can get more categories so it would be better if you carefully read every OVERVIEW the first time you click the category that you want to review calls an OVERVIEW about that category will show up, make sure to read and understand everything before you proceed in tagging calls, because if you didn't read carefully you might end up loosing your account Tip: Live Conversation Outbound is a better category in familiarizing calls.

How To: Apply to

In order to start with Humanatic you have to ready some things in order to save time, First of all, You need a Bank Account it would be better if the card from your bank is a VISA or MASTERCARD in order to verify the Paypal account You also need to register to Paypal Account and get verified using the card you have If everything goes well, and you already had your Paypal Account VERIFIED go to: And answer all the required field and wait for 24 to 48 hours for the email with your Username and Password to get started

How to: View Audited Calls List

If you have free time and you want to check out the list of the calls you have been penalized you can still check all those to the following link: Audited Calls List  If you know that you have the correct tag. Fight for it! but if you are mistaken, LEARN FROM IT

How To: Get New Categories

Did You Know That: In order to get you activated to newer categories You need to maintain 95 % - 100 % on each of your category. BUT you need to review at least 100+ Calls per category to qualify! Be sure not to guess the call if you don't really know the answer, waiting is better than to receive a penalty which will cause you more and the reason you will get frustrated and can't work better Just stay focus, be sure to listen to the call. and Patience is a Virtue

Dispute Penalized Call humanatic offers a home based job reviewing some calls powered by Century Interactive , if you want to dispute calls MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAG THE CORRECT ANSWER BEFORE YOU DISPUTE ANY CALLS  use this tool: insert Call ID # below     You may also download OFFLINE VERSION: As of Tuesday, January 28, 2014 LOG OUT AND LOG IN TRICK IS NO LONGER WORKING ITS A KIND OF CHEAT SO DON'T EVER TRY TO DO THAT Click here to make Humanatic Trainer your default homepage

Humanatic Call ID Automated Getter

SCRIPT UPDATED EVERYTHING MADE EASIER :) WORKS GREAT ON CHROME!!  By using the script the Call ID on humanatic which is needed to track down your mistakes on every calls you tagged were automatically copied and paste to a new text document please note that this script might not work on other category and not yet tested on all categories so use this at your own risk! tested and working on some basic categories not working on Appt. Booked Category so you can tag calls faster. i made a script which is 10x faster to copy and paste a call id To run the script you need to DOWNLOAD this software install the software and insert the ff. username and serials: Username: Serial Number: QLS6-AB6B-SQRK-N4EB

Humanatic Time Trick

YOU DONT HAVE TO PRESS F5 ANYMORE IF YOU USE THE UPDATED SCRIPT HERE : For GMT+8 Users of Humanatic  if you are copying some Call ID to Notepad this trick will remove the pain in the ass of tracking and disputing some calls First Tick the DATE AND TIME on your taskbar: hit the Change date and time settings... Click the change time zone and choose UTC -06:00 Click ok and hit Apply now change the Date and Time: then follow this screenshot below: After that Click Apply and Ok and you're done on setting up the time :D Lets proceed to the next step Go to Notepad Copy the Call ID and put your TAG the press F5 And NOW download your Detailed Earning History open the file track down the time :D ENJOY!!