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Showing posts from March, 2015


are you sure that all your earnings are really posted on your account without any cut offs? well this morning i tried to check the earning of my account. and when i drag all the calls that has been credited on the detailed earnings it shows $1.25 but when looking at my account it shows $0.70 guys check it out! and lets report this! this is not tolerable! when you drag all the earnings on detailed earnings the penalty is already deducted there so you can only see the accurate earnings on your detailed earnings vs. the real time earnings showing on the site!


So many reviewers wondered why their account has been terminated or banned! i will make a list of the reasons why your account has been terminated i also got banned before, but for some reason i somewhat managed to get back so here we go. first of all you might get banned if you TRY TO CHEAT! // obviously you will get banned from cheating the system! if you want to earn more look for a descent job. cheating the system will boost your earning but if you get caught and flagged to the system. they will remove your account and you will not get paid! its not worth it! 2. DUAL - ACCOUNT // some reviewers are so confident and they need more account and reviewing at the same time. well obviously its not worth it either. because no matter how good you are in reviewing calls using dual account at the same time. on the same computer and on the same ip is not permitted. so its considered as cheating the system


here's the scenario! for example >> this call is connected  //inbound<< and then this >peer1< tag this call as not connected and then this >peer 2< tag this call as not connected and then this >victim 3< tag this call as connected (which is correct) >> this call will be transferred to reason not connected << >> this call which is connected @ //reason not connected<< and then this >user 1<< tag this call as wrong number and then this >user 2<< tag this call as connected (which is correct) and then this >user 3<< tag this call as connected (which is correct) >> this call will be transferred to inbound << >> this call which is connected @ //inbound<<

Humanatic Mediator Report

there are lots of new mediators in humanatic recently. and by seeing how they mediate calls. i can say that they are really noobs. maybe some luck to get into there because of some calls which is too easy. but when we talk about some harder calls. they are nothing. recently all the mediators who penalized me was all wrong. yeah! you know. even a very easy call get me wronged! haha! what a jerk! i dont want to be so mean or something. but PLEASE! FOR GOD SAKE! YOU ARE A MEDIATOR NOW BUT YOU DON'T EVEN KNEW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HANG UP AND OTHER REASON on RNC!? WHAT THE HECK? ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE AND FOLLOW YOUR OWN OVERVIEW? BETTER READ AND READ AGAIN OR ELSE YOU ARE ALL GOING DOWN! I PROMISE YOU! YOU ARE ALL GOING DOWN! DONT PENALIZE SOMEONE IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON YOUR OWN ANSWER! BETTER ASK SOMEONE WHO CAN REALLY EXPLAIN THE CALL TO YOU AND DON'T JUST LISTEN TO SOMEONE THAT ADDED SOME COMMENT ON THE AUDITED CALLS AND YOU WILL JUST SAY THAT HE/SHE IS CORRECT WITHOUT TH...