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Showing posts from April, 2015


for the reviewers out there! please send an email to the more emails we send the faster the problem will get fixed! its been a long time but the Reason not connected only give a few premium call rates! unlike the other categories that has plenty of them! i think that this is a BUG on their system! please spread the word! and send an email now! if you do care to have a wonderful work station we have to unite to clear this things up! thanks!

Audio Problem Humanatic SOLUTION!!

are you still having problem on audio? well this is the very fast solution i can give you! if you are using Mozilla Firefox the audio might work but the calls is not loaded completely this may cause you a problem if you are not checking the Audio Trouble link well its a time consuming if you are going to check that right ! well if you hate Google Chrome the system is chrome based so you will not having a problem with calls if you are using google chrome but if you want to try the other fast browser out there you can download Comodo Dragon Browser its a chrome based browser so the speed and the system of the humanatic will not having problem on this one! just google it! and its done! have a wonderful day!


be aware that the inventory discussion is having trouble right now! you will get happy because almost half of the calls is 17 to 25 seconds only! but dont get too excited tagging the call as NOT CONNECTED! you might consider checking/clicking out AUDIO TROUBLE! this is the example: on this call you can see that the call is just 17 seconds!  but! by clicking the audio trouble its not! and its actually 21:11 minutes!

Key to maintain your account

Hey Guys! today im gonna give you some useful keys to get your account well maintained! 1. DONT RUSH! yeah sometimes we have to review fast in able to get our target quota for the day but it may lead you to penalty if you are reviewing too fast 2. DONT ANSWER SPANISH CALLS IF YOU ARE NOT A BI LINGUAL REVIEWER answering spanish call even though we are very sure about it may lead to your account termination. 3. AVOID CHECK YOUR PACE PAGE as long as you see the CHECK YOUR PACE page continuously you might consider slowing down. you will be flagged to system and my cause your account's termination